

Friday, March 11, 2011

....i was born this way.....

believe it or not, we are almost in the middle march. means that aku ade lagi one month before the finals. dengan result yang tak seberapa, aku cuma boleh work much harder and tawakal je la. it's a good thing that bio paper aku improved (yay!!) and also precal (sikit je la, there's always room for improvements)
anyway, my calendar for this month is super full. aku baru dapat tau aku kena pergi BTN cuti ni. woih, cuti 9 hari, tolak BTN 5 hari, tinggal 4 hari. tolak balik kampung ada kenduri tinggal la 2 hari.
mampuih la aku!! and minggu lepas cuti memang minggu yang.. nak kata neraka macam exaggerate plak... but for sure, sleeping will be a blessing on that week.

and owh, march pun ramai kawan2 and family celebrate their birthdays.
mari kita tengok calon2 nya..

encik aymann (cousin) 2nd march

minah prasan aka mira (sister) yang kiri tu hah.. 5th march

and untuk aimi adibah (11 march), satu prep program dengan aku. tak de gambar dier la, and malas nak curik2 kat facebook.


crooked nose

almost fell.
recollecting myself.
but tiny pieces are scattering.

i'm afraid.
i don't wanna do this.
tempting, but i don't wanna break anything.

help me.
stop pushing me deep into the mud.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

once these tears were held back

my stress level just finally at peak i guess. aku rasa tension sangat malam ni. nak kata aku tak pernah stress out sebelum ni, tak gak. jarang sangat2 aku menangis sebab tension. habis2 kuat pun setakat cepat marah, tapi cepat gak aku cool.

memang aku kuat emo pun, but i almost never cry.nak mengadu kat kawan, diorang pun banyak masalah, sama gak dengan aku. nak mengadu kat parents, kang kena lecture balik.

bila time macam ni, baru la diri ni nak ingat kat Tuhan. baru nak beristigfar, mengadu kat Tuhan. ya Allah, alpanya hamba Mu ni!!

lebih baik menangis sekarang dari menangis sebab menyesal nanti.

comelnya awak. pujuk saya boleh? (miss my dekmok)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

...and award goes to...

hey, he said congrats for your achievement.
huh, why is he even care about it?
i'm just passing the message.
owh yeah? he didnt have time for me before, how the f**k he has the time now?
how could him?
my achievements, my downfalls, my everything
he knows them all

yes, i made him hated my gut like hell
he did the same thing
he broke the watch
i returned his card
fair and square
we made up
waiting for the right moment
to come
for us to share

you ruined everything
this time it's all on you, honey
there's no 50-50
you screwed up big time this time
biggest ever
once you lied
once you cheated
once you turned your back on me

i'm not looking for you anymore
one last thing i want to say
treat others better

make mistakes, ask for forgiveness
that's the best thing